
Enhance the inventory management capabilities of Acumatica

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How well do you know the inventory management capabilities of Acumatica?

In this eGuide, we review Acumatica’s inventory management capabilities and evaluate the ERP’s core functionality. We then look at how EazyStock can add an additional level of sophistication around demand forecasting, inventory planning and reordering.

If you use Acumatica, read how EazyStock can help:

  • Automate demand forecasting
  • Eliminate time spent revising reordering policies and planning parameters
  • Improve service levels and prevent lost sales
  • Reduce cash tied up in excess or obsolete stock
  • Deal with irregular supplier lead times

Use the form to download your copy of our eGuide. And if you're looking to add EazyStock to Acumatica, you can find EazyStock on the Acumatica Marketplace!

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